A downloadable game for Windows

The classic tale of cheese, goodwill and transdimensional fridge theft.

This game only takes a few minutes to complete and is best enjoyed with a refined sense of humour and to have fun with friends in multiplayer. 

Look: Mouse
Move: WASD
Interact: E
Progress Dialogue: Space

Seen on Buried Treasure Pop Up Arcade at Dreamy Place, Crawley 2023

Credits Made by @patrickcauty with thanks to @hurriecrane for help fixing the game, and to @popcurrn for moral support. 'Tropicana Dreams ' by Apache Tomcat is licenced under CC BY-SA 4.0. 'Hey' by Juanitos is licenced under CC BY-SA 2.0 FR.


AfternoonSpaghetti 1.0 95 MB

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